Our Team

We have met at the University of Arts in Berlin.
Each of us has a background in New Media. Together, we love to create unique experiences in forms of workshops and installations in fields like digital education.

Valerian Blos

VALERIAN BLOS is a tinkerer, trained as Interaction-Designer and can build anything from tiny paper models to kids playgrounds. Valerian is also working as a supervisor and experience-enhancement specialist for innovative workshop formats. He holds an MA in New Media Art from the University of Arts in Berlin.

Mail: valerian@denkigami.com
Personal Website: www.valerian-blos.de

Gosia Lehmann

GOSIA LEHMANN is coming up with fun characters, colourful designs and illustrations for the project. Since she was a kid, she loved telling stories and watching Sir David Attenborough's documentaries. Her favourite animal to draw is a whale. She studied at Central Saint Martins in London and the University of Arts in Berlin.

Mail: gosia@denkigami.com
Personal Website:www.gosialehmann.net

Jin Lee

JIN LEE is our electronics expert. He never lets go: the things either work, or he works to make them work. He studied Design Informatics (B.A) at the Musashino Art University in Tokyo and Kunst und Medien (Absolvent, Meister) at the University of Arts in Berlin.

Mail: jin@denkigami.com
Personal Website:www.jinlee.de